Sunday, October 27, 2013

Looking Back as I Move Ahead

     Autumn is the perfect time of year for visits from friends and watching the leaves change. It also is a perfect time of year to let your mind drift.
     Recently, I was enjoying a cup of coffee as I watched golf at one of my favorite downtown haunts. As I began to think about my current relationship, my mind drifted back to my last one. Old jokes and all of the good times entered my mind. Everything from golf lessons to riding horses began to infiltrate my brain. For a split second my mind began to romanticize our relationship. Thankfully, my brain overpowered me and reminded me that he was an ex for a reason.

    Without warning, my mind filled with memories of his selfishness and unrelenting bragging. I was also reminded of how unsupportive he could be. Last July, I was in a car accident while trying to drive a friend home after we'd both had one too many drinks. I was less intoxicated than he was and in my poor judgment, tried to drive him home. My then boyfriend wasn't concerned if I was injured, he instead accused me of cheating with my friend. More memories flooded in without warning. Memories of how he viewed me as more of a trophy than a girlfriend. Upon further reflection, I realized that despite the good memories, the gravity of the bad times definitely outweigh them.

     It's easy to put on rose colored shades and forget why you left a situation. The important thing is that you never forget. The past is behind you and the present is a gift. The best thing you can do is look forward to the future, because it is indeed bright. You deserve someone who treats you as you deserve.  In the long run, your old relationship isn't worth a second glance.

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