Sunday, June 9, 2013

Don't Pet the Peeve

     We all have things that irritate, annoy, and get under our skin. Everyone's pet peeves are different, but present nonetheless.

     I hate when people drag their feet. No, really. When they literally drag their feet when they walk and refuse to pick them up it makes me mad. It makes the most terrible noise. Who walks this way anyway?

     Another pet peeve I have is when people go outside in their pajamas or are sloppily put together. Unless you are homeless, there is no excuse. It seems like this trend is the most present at Wal-mart for some reason. If you aren't ready to come outside and join the rest of society, stay home.
     As some of you might have noticed from my previous entries, gossips and nosey people also rank on my list of annoyances. They love nothing better than to get to your personal business like cats in a basket of yarn and spread around what they think that they know. You aren't Wilson from Home Improvement. Keep your nose on your side of the fence.

     Lastly, people who like being ignorant. Nothing makes them happier than being improper or to mispronounce words. One such example is when someone pronounces Italian as "Eye-talian". The country is I-taly not "Eye-taly".
     At the end of the day pet peeves are unique as each person. All we can hope for is that people  improve as a whole or that we can all grin and bear each other.

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