Many close friends share things with each other. Clothes, secrets, and many other things are often swapped. However, exes are usually off limits. What happens when this golden rule is ignored?
You see it everywhere, from Hollywood to your social group. Friends dating and hooking up with their friends' exes is nothing new. I've been seeing it since high school. The minute one friend dumped their significant other, another friend swooped in to nurse their wounds. Sometimes this occurred without any awkwardness and other times it was social suicide. This never made sense to me. I couldn't imagine being linked to a friend's ex. It seems disloyal and vindictive in many ways. I wonder how many times these arrangements occur because of true love. If I had to venture a guess, I would say slim to none.
In college, this trend was all too common. It happened more openly with the guys. It was frowned upon, but it seemed to be recovered from easily. With young women it was not such an easy thing to get over. Friendships were broken and invitation lists had to be reworked. Every woman knows that dating her friend's ex is a big no-no. It's against girl code. A woman dating her friend's ex would be branded with a scarlet "A" so fast her coffee would still be hot.
My friends mean the world to me. Dating or hooking up with a friend's ex is a violation. It is an invisible mark against you. To paraphrase Jay Z, being my friend is like a secret society. All I ask for is trust.
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