Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dumb It Down

     Beauty is nice, but when it's coupled with brains, it is magnificent. Why then is it cool to be stupid?

    I know several smart, attractive people, both male and female, that dumb themselves down for the sake of a date. Why? Simple. Smart doesn't equal sexy. When I was in high school, I was far from being considered hot. I was on honor roll, accelerated classes, student council, and every extra curricular activity I could make time for. Boys didn't ask me out on Friday. They asked for my notes instead. To be frank, with the exception of Homecoming dances and Prom, I wasn't that cute. In high school, superficiality reigns and logic takes a backseat. It shouldn't be surprising that I didn't get my first boyfriend until I was 17 and a senior in high school.

    Fast forward to the present. When I see the same guys who wouldn't give me the time of day in high school, I am always amused. They've forgotten, but I haven't. To be fair, I've come a long way like those slim cigarettes, in terms of my appearance. Mentally, however, I am the same in many ways. My opinion has always been that the world doesn't need another beautiful idiot walking around. If a man likes me, he has to first seduce my mind before he has any hope of seducing the rest of me.

There's nothing wrong with being pleasing to the eye. It helps to remember that your mind will last a lot longer than your beauty. I was once asked if I wanted a guy to like me for my mind. I'll still answer that question with an emphatic "Yes".

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