Saturday, February 9, 2013

Make it in America

     Every since I was a little girl reading my grandmother's fashion magazines and watching Working Girl on cable, I have wanted to be a professional woman in New York City. I daydreamed about pounding the pavement of Manhattan in my suit and sneakers with my briefcase in hand. Sure, I had to get through elementary school first, but I refused to let a little thing like timing stop me.
Midtown Manhattan
       Fast forward 23 years, I've graduated college and work full time. I still live in Michigan, but by the middle of 2014, I fully plan to be living and working in New York. I've never been one to give up on my dreams. To be honest, giving up is much harder than trying. I am ready to put my degree to good use. I believe in the American dream and with it my dream.
     Armed with my education, resume and drive, I am pretty confident I can get a job in my field. My dream is not without its detractors. I've heard it all. "New York is too expensive." "Why not move to Florida? We have family there." "Just wait a little longer." I am ready now. In 2014, I will be 30 years old. I fully intend to enter my thirties with no regrets.
Working Girl (one of my favorite films)
     No matter what your dream you have, it is possible. Pablo Picasso was quoted as saying," Everything you can imagine is real." I absolutely believe that.